A Social Phobe's Adventures in New Mommyhood

Monday, September 04, 2006

The Croc Hunter

In case you havent heard, he's gone.
I dont know, I wasnt that big of a fan.
I LOVED his accent and his bouncy fun way of doing EVERYTHING.
He was funny and exciting and did what he loved.
He left behind his loving wife and two beautiful babies.
We will never see him on Jay Leno scaring the hell out of him again. God this is just sad. It really makes you think, as all deaths do. I dont know.
Hug your babies today. You never know if they will have to remember you through other peoples eyes someday.


  • I wasn't that big of a fan, either. It is so sad that he left behind and wife and children, but I feel that he is partly to blame for his death. He put himself into all these situations, knowing the danger. I just can't imagine having a family and risking my life like that all the time! Still, it's sad and I know what you mean.

    By Blogger Meg, at 1:08 PM  

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