A Social Phobe's Adventures in New Mommyhood

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Ah Sunday

Its been a busy day.
The dogs got their baths.
The living room got (more) baby proofed.
The washer got fixed. (so dont worry lady, all those people in cyber space who were going to send me a brand new washing machine, wont have to)

Stewie is a clingy little nut lately. Neither of us can leave the room without him freaking out. And when one of us enters the room, he speed crawls over, pulls on our pants to stand up and begs to be picked up.

Also, the few words he used to kinda say, have all been replaced with "da da"
Thats right, everything is da da. Even the dogs. Even me. I got to sleep late this morning, so when I walked into the living room I got greeted by a big loud "Da Da!!!!!!"

Good times....I wonder if Desperate Housewives is new tonight.....

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  • Squeaks does that same thing with us -- if I wear baggy pants, she pulls them down, just trying to get me to hold her! I guess this just must be a clingy age...

    By Blogger Meg, at 11:36 AM  

  • Autumn is also quite clingy lately, but she'll stay with me for about two seconds before she sees something else more interesting and is squirming to be released! I'm starting to miss my cuddly little girl.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:55 PM  

  • I've been reading your blog for a while. I am happy to know you are a smart ass. It makes me like your blog even more :)

    By Blogger MG, at 1:31 PM  

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