A Social Phobe's Adventures in New Mommyhood

Monday, April 10, 2006

Crank Butt

No thats not my new nick name for my son! ~hehe
But he was a major one today. Which in turn caused me to be a major something else to his daddy when he got home from work. I cant help it. Sleep deprived mommy + crank butt baby =crazy bitch. Ahhhh well.

So yesterday we figured out that Baby Stewie (come on, he looks just like him. And who's infant doesnt think to himself in a british accent while plotting to take over the world?) Oh dear now I've got to sing "They're Pinky....They're Pinky and the Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain. Ok to finish that first sentence. Yesterday we figured out that Stewie likes Cream of Wheat with whole milk and sugar a little better than his rice with his soy formula... and dont you DARE tell his pediatrician. See I was eating some and I thought hey, maybe baby would like a bite? But one bite didnt do the trick and it lead to a lotta bites.... and today he was constipated... is that why he was cranky?
Bad Mommy! Bad!!! ~slaps herself on the hand~


  • Hi New Mommy-

    I'm surfing through the Crazy Hip Moms and you popped up. I like your site. FYI, instead of slapping the back of your hand, slap your thighs. It's not proven yet but I'm thinking that it might enhance muscle tone. I figure if I'm going to self-flagelate, I might as well benefit from it. Stop by my site and let me know what you would do in my situation posted today. I'm taking a poll.


    By Blogger Wendy Boucher, at 3:18 PM  

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