A Social Phobe's Adventures in New Mommyhood

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Its Been a While...

But Im here now, dry your eye.

So we've still just got two teeth.
Stewie has been taking 15 min naps all day again. Little weirdo. But he's not half as cranky as he's been lately, so go figure.
He's at the point (at 8 months) where he can roll either way at will. So he's all over the damn crib at night. Thats what wakes him up 80 times looking for his paci. And its just awesome at 3am when he's flung it through the bars and its ended up under the crib. I love moving it to get the paci, then sucking all the nasty ass crap that should be vacuumed up, off it to give it back to my sweet sweet little angel.
It was the middle of the night when my chiauhua had a monster of an asthma "attack" and started hacking and coughing. I had to scoop her little fat body into my arms and shhh shh in her ear and rub her back. It took about 20 minutes before she calmed down enough for me to put her back under the covers to go check on my son.
As I looked into the crib, at my little man, (well his ass sticking out of the covers) with his blankie over his head and the whole front side of his body pushed up against the bars facing the wall, I thought, "Ya know, I am your mommy, but Ive lost sight of the fact that Im the doggies' mommy too. Sure we all neglect our "babies" ones the real babies come. But its times when the little suckers are sick or really need us, when we remember how we felt about them before the thought of procreating (for a reason) even popped into our minds.
I love my Gwynnie, even if I want to KILL her most of the time.


  • It's so true. I totally pushed our dogs to the back when Cricket came even though they were my life before him. And I want to kill them all day long but every now and then I get that feeling back when they were my "babies."

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:23 PM  

  • Oh I know what you mean! Squeaks has a "brother", our blue heeler. What can I say? I'm a veterinary major!

    Can you believe Squeaks has no teeth yet? She has been in the teething process forever, but she still has no teeth to show for it!

    Yay for Stewie for getting the rolling over thing down! I hate how fast they grow up.

    By Blogger Meg, at 10:50 PM  

  • Aww, that's so sweet. We've neglected our Molly terribly since Autumn was born. She used to get walked every day. Now she's lucky if we get out with her once a month.

    Our furbabies do need us. Thanks for reminding me!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:57 PM  

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