A Social Phobe's Adventures in New Mommyhood

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Gilmore Tuesday

Im writing before the show tonight. Im just not feeling motivated so I know after it I will be asleep real quick. Plus who really needs me complaining about the show anyways? Its going to hell in a handbasket real quick this year.

So today Hunny stayed home from work with a horrible cold that him and Stewie just can not kick.
So we got a few things done and washed our cars. The boys are at his parents house right now, I did some dishes and vacuumed. Im whoooooooooooped.
I think I might make supper before they come home.... that would be a surprise lol. I think it might be the first tuesday Im not scarfing down the last few bites during the intro of Gilmore Girls, so go me.
Anywho I talked to my dad today, who's thinking he's gonna be nice and pay for the wedding and he gives me 50 bucks every month to pay some hospital bills from when I dislocated my knee. Plus he pays my cell phone bill..... WELL (shut up im not spoiled)
So I said hey, you can stop giving me money for the rest of my life, cut me out of the will even, if you get me a nose job before my wedding.
He gave me the "beautiful the way you are, personality is whats important, talk to your shrink" yaddda yadda speech. Then I gave him this: "but daddy i want to like the way i look in my wedding photos."
So he said he'd sleep on it. Please now everyone at once, cross your fingers and do a little prayer dance for me!!!!


  • A nose job wedding gift, huh? Well, whatever makes you happy! I think it's great that your dad is considering it!

    So how are you feeling lately? Any better?

    By Blogger Meg, at 7:55 PM  

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