A Social Phobe's Adventures in New Mommyhood

Friday, September 29, 2006

The Difference Between Me and You

Why is it that men who arent home all day with the baby, think they know exactly what to do with the kids?
Like tonight, I did everything in my power to get Stewie to bed. I rocked him, I sang to him, I walked him around, I put him in the crib with some toys and left the room with him howling.
Then I tried rocking again. He kept squirming around and trying to get free to grab anything he could. So I called Hunny in there and said please take your kid before I kill him. He preceeds to tell me that MY kid isnt tired and that its pretty sad I say things like Im going to kill him.

But then he tries rocking him for a good 15 minutes, screaming and all, before I say "hey why dont you get him up since hes not tired?"
Then I get yelled at again because of what I said earlier.
Im sorry but when you are home all day with a cranky child and you are constantly switching anti-depressants and you are very edgy, its easy to get overwhelmed with baby duties.
And when I say "im going to kill him" sad, or not, I MEAN IT, at that moment in time. And all you need to do is calmly take him from me. Not tell me how sad it is. Not tell me how wrong I am about the situation. Just take the baby and let me be before I tell you that youre next on the list.


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