A Social Phobe's Adventures in New Mommyhood

Monday, October 09, 2006


Well this weekend I spent at my mothers house. I really needed to be away from the baby. I hated that so much. I feel like I am totally failing as a mother lately. I know its my medication being stubborn and screwing with my brain, but still Im the mommy and I shouldnt need to leave my child because I am about to kill him.
The weekend away was good while it lasted. But Im still very very depressed. I can not stop the crying or yelling and screaming at EVERYTHING.
I really dont know why Hunny puts up with me.
Anyways, Stewie still has a cold, I guess its been a week? Snots arent green anymore though so I guess that means he's ok. But theres still so much up there that when he's not just leaking, hes literally blowing little bubbles out the nostrils. Very fun.
Now that hes crawling around like a mad man, it makes the snots worse so... Lucky me?
He's real irritable too, since hes still sick. And god forbid anyone tries to hold this kid down to suck out them boogers. Im surprised the neighbors havent kicked down the door thinking Im brutally murdering my child in here. He's like that when he gets his diaper changed too. And his clothes. Pretty much anything that has to do with him being on his back.
He's got quite the personality now, and Im afraid it doesnt mesh well with mine. Heh.


  • Oh I hear you! Squeaks hates having the snot sucked out, too. And diaper changes. Hell, when we're home, we don't even make her wear clothes. That's just one more fight I can avoid! Just this week she's developed one hell of an attitude, so I know exactly what you're going through.

    Don't beat yourself up about needing some help this weekend. Every mommy goes through that. Just be glad you have people around you that can help. I hope you get to feeling better soon. Email me if you need anything!

    By Blogger Meg, at 3:06 PM  

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