A Social Phobe's Adventures in New Mommyhood

Friday, April 14, 2006


My poor Stewie has had such horrible gas pains for 3 days now. Its to the point where at certain times during the day he will scream before, during and after a bottle. I cant even rock him to sleep anymore cuz it hurts his tummy. I just have to put him in the crib and lay in the bed next to him and hold his hand til he falls asleep. Its so bad when a fart comes out too. He will scream like someone just shot him in the ass. And not one single smidge of diaper rash.
Whats a mommy to do??
So Ive about ripped all my hair out the past few days. Why is it when you are holding a screaming baby that wont stop, thats the time when his daddy likes to ask you questions. Did you try this? How about this? You know he just wants a nap. Hes tired.
Mommy wants a nap. Shes tired. But daddy works all day. Hes tired. Kill me.


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