A Social Phobe's Adventures in New Mommyhood

Friday, April 28, 2006


I am so ready for it to be sunday. I swear I might just let Hunny watch Stewie allllll day. I am so exhausted, I cant even sleep when the baby and I lay down for morning nap. Thats bad. I live for that nap.
At the gas station today, I jumped in the back to sooth the crank butt. I was watching him sucking his hand, (cant find his thumbs still) and its like, there is this little version of his daddy. He looks just like him. Just sitting there all slobber faced and innocent. Its like in those moments everything makes sense. He coos through the fingers and smiles at me. But then he sticks them too far down his throat and chokes again. I wake up out of my euphoria, roll my eyes, and look for the hairy paci.

Does anyone elses 5 month old still not have any urge to roll over? It seems like he could just lay there forever. Still hates tummy time too. I guess I will always worry that hes not doing things fast enough. I mean if hes anything like my sister... ugh.


  • Mine isn't like that, but my sister watched a little girl who hated, hated, hated tummy time and who was content just to lay on her back all the time. She is now 10 months old and has started rolling over a lot only in the last 2 months. In fact, she just started crawling a few weeks ago. I guess that's slow compared to other "normal" kids, but she's a content, loving baby who laughs all the time. I think that's more important.
    And, hey, if you're like me, I'm not rushing mine to be mobile yet. I'm not ready to be chasing her all the time, and/or be followed constantly!

    By Blogger Meg, at 10:52 PM  

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