A Social Phobe's Adventures in New Mommyhood

Saturday, April 29, 2006

You have the Cutest Baby I have Ever Seen in my Life

Ha! We went to the grocery store like 4 days ago and the cashier said that. We get that alot. I cant help but wonder if Brad and Angelina's baby somehow got mixed up with mine?

Poor Stewie was sick today. I dont know with what. He was just screaming unconsolably all afternoon. I gave him tummy stuff. Then tylenol. (could be teething) He slept for a few min in the swing and started whaling again. I put him in the sling. Cried louder. I took him outside. It freaked him out. Tried laying him down. He was so gassy his legs almost didnt hit the crib the whole time he was in there.
I think he is constipated. Didnt have any juice yesterday and only bananas for fruit. I guess they tend to clog babies up. I thought they helped get you moving but I guess not.
So I went online and looked up some massages and exercises to get his gas out. But that seemed to just piss him off more. So I made a bottle of juice and started to feed him. Two sips later he was out.
Then of coarse I get the bright idea to ask his daddy to hold him. I promise he wont wake up just take him off me cuz i have to pee.
Well about 2 hours of screaming later, we went for a car ride.
He didnt want his bottle tonight. Just wanted bedtime.
Poor kid. What the hell am I doing wrong?
We got some size 3 diapers today. Also had to loosen the car seat straps. If nothing else is right with the boy, hes sure growing well.


  • Sounds exactly like what has happened around here this weekend. We went out for a date last night, but had to come home early because the kiddo had been screaming for 3 hours and my MIL couldn't calm her. What's going on with babies that are 5 months old?

    By Blogger Meg, at 10:52 PM  

  • I'm sorry you're having such a tough time with Stewie (love the nickname). I'm afraid I can't offer any advice other than please don't think it's anything you're doing wrong. It sounds like you're doing the very best you can do.

    What an adorable little guy.

    By Blogger Heather, at 2:52 PM  

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:59 AM  

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