A Social Phobe's Adventures in New Mommyhood

Friday, May 05, 2006

Ahhh the Joys of the Mall

Sometimes I miss having a job and buying anything I want.
Well Stewie and I had our first "almost" playdate today. We met a nice mommy and her daughter at the mall.
It was soooooo good to have another mom to hang out with for a little while. Its weird meeting new people and hearing new life experiances.. I havent made a new friend in so long, so its weird not to hear the same old stuff. I dont know.
So we had some mushed beef last night.... LOVED it! Didnt even tongue any of it out of the mouth. So my son is a carnivor like his daddy...
I think being at the mall has made him a wise ass. We get home and hes yelling "AH" and other things in jibberish. Hes not using words but hes really making his babbles have sylables now. Like "dodada" "ahhhhdadoo" and he even says dada when hes really excited he will shout it.


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