A Social Phobe's Adventures in New Mommyhood

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Today was a great day for Stewie. We ran our errands, and he didnt throw one single fit. Usually I dread taking him out. Especially with the cranky butt attitude hes had lately.

But not to worry, my insanely crabby son returned soon after we got home.
He did however play himself to sleep for his nap again. That was wonderful. Getting him to bed tonight didnt go quite as well, but I'm not complaining. I mean the kid is constantly in some kind of pain. So I kind of expect nights like these.
I can never tell lately what the hell is wrong with him. He will wake up screaming with his knees to his chest. So its gas? But his fists are both trying to get into his mouth. So hes teething? Or what if hes starving? He eats like a hog lately. So hes growing right?
See it just drives me crazy wondering what his problem is.
I guess it comes back to the old "first pancake" theory I have.
But I am no chef. And I dont know what the hell Im doing.....


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