A Social Phobe's Adventures in New Mommyhood

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Burnt Out

Its been a trying week. So excuse me if today, I feel a little stressed out.
Stewie didnt really nap at all.
For some reason tonight after I put him down, he woke up screaming. I tried feeding him, rocking him, swaddling him, cuddling him, nothing worked until he wore himself out. And whenever that happens I of course blame myself. I hate my kid crying and screaming himself to sleep. Thats not how it should be.
I think his tummy might have been upset. He didnt poop today. I know its because of that damn medicine thats SUPPOSED to be fixing all that gas. But if it in turn is making him constipated, I honestly dont know what to do.
I am at the end of my rope tonight.
Times like these, I really want to run away. He tells me to chill out and watch tv. I want to hit him with an axe.


  • Comment is late, but better late than never, right? Burnt out here, too. I have those days when looking at the laundry and dishes makes makes me want to go psycho. I'm with ya, sister. Hope things brighten up.

    By Blogger Will, at 12:23 AM  

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