How cute is this kid?He still cant roll over at 7 months.... but he can stand almost by himself like nothing!We tried that zweiback toast yesterday. As you can see, it was a success.
posted by crazynewmama at 6/19/2006 11:59:00 AM
Wow, what a big boy! We have a similar toy for Autumn, but haven't tried to stand her up in front of it yet. I'd like to keep her as immobile as possible for as long as I can. Once she's walking, I'll be running to catch her!
By Heather, at 7:45 AM
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Wow, what a big boy! We have a similar toy for Autumn, but haven't tried to stand her up in front of it yet. I'd like to keep her as immobile as possible for as long as I can. Once she's walking, I'll be running to catch her!
By Heather, at 7:45 AM
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