Well for a while now, the power stearing stuff has been leaking. It got to the point that before I could go anywhere Hunny had to fill it. Well now the hole is so big that it wont hold any at all. I have to get a wic perscription tomorrow and I have an appointment at wic monday. See now I will probably have to get his dear daddy to take me and everything will work out. But I love him to death and everything, but I just hate being alone with anyone in his family. I love them and they love me. But like you know, I've got social anxiety to a T. At family dinners, I sit in the same spot the whole time we are there and dont talk unless Im spoken to. I feel like a complete idiot.
So when his dad has to take me anywhere I just feel horrible.
Ive got some wicked insomnia lately too. Cant fall asleep for hours. I play a game on here and get real tired, then I go to bed and nothing. I even tried taking 3 tylenol pm's. They used to work so good for me. Now they just give me restless legs. Im so friggen TIRED. I have started trying to meditate. I got that meditaion for dummies book from the library. I dont have the hang of it at all yet, but its not helping at all yet either. Its supposed to make you less high strung and make you sleep better.................. blaaaaah to everything right now.
My little Stewie is good. Still hasnt cut a tooth. The little shit wont chew on his damn "chew toys" either. The only thing that makes his gums feel better is human flesh. Thats right. Either our arms or fingers or faces, hes grabbin for em and hes tryin to shove them in his mouth. I guess his fingers just arent as yummy? Oh but he will eat freeze pops when I hold them. SHHHH dont give your baby freeze pops. Bad for them. Stewie isnt normal. I HAVE to give him freeze pops.
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