Today was exhausting.
I use the words "burnt out" alot. Too much. But tonight I mean it.
Maybe its the fact that the sun turns our little mobile home into an oven everyday. You know it got to like 96 degrees here today. Two more degrees and I'd have to make fun of Nick Lache just for the hell of it.
Stewie really didnt want to nap at all. He took his morning hour long nap, and was up at 9am. But he didnt seem rested at all. So at 12pm I tried to put him down and for an hour I was back and forth trying to get him to sleep and trying to clean and just trying to sit down.
He was like that all day. Sleep a little, then be awake and tired and grumpy.
Its really starting to piss me off that when I put him down, he will scream and not take the paci. And he stiffens up his whole body and just lays there and screams. Then he will curl up his legs and try and hold them to his chest. (this is when he will briefly take the paci in his mouth) But he gets mad, slams his legs down and spits out the paci to start screaming again. He does this like 50 times before falling asleep.
I got bit by a little black flying ant, on my asscheek today. I never thought the black ones bit. THEY DO and it hurts and stings just as much as a red one, so dont be fooled.
Im sorry this is just complain complain.
Actually no, Im not. I dont force anyone to read this. oh my god hes up again.
This is the point where I usually end up in tears right along with the kiddo. Squeaks did the same thing on Saturday, along with a LOT of screaming. She never took a nap and even went to bed late! I was dreading even waking up the next day, but she was an angel. I don't know what gets into kids, but I wish someone could figure them out!
I hope your day gets much better soon!
By Meg, at 9:46 AM
I second that! Autumn has been an angel now that her teeth have broken through. I'm sure once the top ones are ready to come in we'll be back to screams and fits.
I'm sorry it's so hot there. Hopefully the weather will cool down for you soon. It's hard to want to do anything when it's that hot, especially deal with a cranky baby.
By Anonymous, at 1:59 PM
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