A Social Phobe's Adventures in New Mommyhood

Saturday, April 29, 2006

You have the Cutest Baby I have Ever Seen in my Life

Ha! We went to the grocery store like 4 days ago and the cashier said that. We get that alot. I cant help but wonder if Brad and Angelina's baby somehow got mixed up with mine?

Poor Stewie was sick today. I dont know with what. He was just screaming unconsolably all afternoon. I gave him tummy stuff. Then tylenol. (could be teething) He slept for a few min in the swing and started whaling again. I put him in the sling. Cried louder. I took him outside. It freaked him out. Tried laying him down. He was so gassy his legs almost didnt hit the crib the whole time he was in there.
I think he is constipated. Didnt have any juice yesterday and only bananas for fruit. I guess they tend to clog babies up. I thought they helped get you moving but I guess not.
So I went online and looked up some massages and exercises to get his gas out. But that seemed to just piss him off more. So I made a bottle of juice and started to feed him. Two sips later he was out.
Then of coarse I get the bright idea to ask his daddy to hold him. I promise he wont wake up just take him off me cuz i have to pee.
Well about 2 hours of screaming later, we went for a car ride.
He didnt want his bottle tonight. Just wanted bedtime.
Poor kid. What the hell am I doing wrong?
We got some size 3 diapers today. Also had to loosen the car seat straps. If nothing else is right with the boy, hes sure growing well.

Friday, April 28, 2006


I am so ready for it to be sunday. I swear I might just let Hunny watch Stewie allllll day. I am so exhausted, I cant even sleep when the baby and I lay down for morning nap. Thats bad. I live for that nap.
At the gas station today, I jumped in the back to sooth the crank butt. I was watching him sucking his hand, (cant find his thumbs still) and its like, there is this little version of his daddy. He looks just like him. Just sitting there all slobber faced and innocent. Its like in those moments everything makes sense. He coos through the fingers and smiles at me. But then he sticks them too far down his throat and chokes again. I wake up out of my euphoria, roll my eyes, and look for the hairy paci.

Does anyone elses 5 month old still not have any urge to roll over? It seems like he could just lay there forever. Still hates tummy time too. I guess I will always worry that hes not doing things fast enough. I mean if hes anything like my sister... ugh.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

its Been a While...

But oh well. Not much going on at all.
Went to the book store today. Trying to find Baby Fart Aerobics. I guess I'll have to get it online. Stewie has such annoying gas. It wakes him up and pisses him off when hes eating too. Oh I got that Tummy soothing stuff. He HATES the taste of it. But anyway, if you tried gripe water then thats what this stuff is. Basically fennel, chamomile, that kind of stuff. My opinion on it? I dont know. Hasnt worked the times Ive used it. But maybe it wasnt gas when i used it. Maybe something else. Maybe Im crazy... ah now Ive got "spoon" by dave matthews in my head... thanks alot.
maybe im alittle crazy.. but laughin out loud makes it aaaaallll pass by
la la la
ok great. hmm anyone out there watching Top Model? Who else thinks they are ONLY keeping Jade for ratings? COME ON not only is she just mean looking but shes A HORRIBLE BITCH not just a regular bitch like you and me.... You know you are. :)
oh I just got some info from fiance in next room. Kelly is off American idol... I didnt watch it this season but from what ive seen on previews, shes a dork.
Very opinionated tonight, arent we? Sorry. Coffee at 5pm isnt usually a good thing for me. I think Ill go paint the roof....

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Good Night, My Sweet Angel

Saturday, April 22, 2006

He Cant Roll Over...

But the kid sure is moble.

he starts here

arches his back...

kicks the legs a little...

squirms around...

and ends up watching tv.

Thats my boy...
Today was a good day. We used 3 tbs of rice per bottle. He's drinking much better. Now his daddy says he just likes the taste of lots of rice in there. But mommy knows better. The kid barely eats his rice alone. And soy formula aint the greatest stuff in the world. So Im going to get to the bottom of this soon.
Busy boy is in bed. He seen all his grandparents and a great gramma today. And we only had one complete meltdown all day. Now I need to go to bed before I have one.

Friday, April 21, 2006

I think I know whats wrong

I think Stewie has DYSPHAGIA. Its where he's literally afraid to take his bottle because the whole time hes not having reflux, but hes actually choking on every drop. It makes the liquid he takes aspirate into his lungs. It says the symptoms are:

  • screaming as soon as he sees a bottle
  • screaming and choking during bottle
  • being congested after eating
  • able to eat baby food and rice (because they are thicker)

I told the doctor today and she said if thickening it with rice doesnt help she will refer me to a specialist. Meanwhile he choked down about 8 ounces only today and went to sleep exausted and starving. I cried the whole time.

My back hurts, my head hurts, I feel like I havent slept like ever. I just want to lay down and not think about baby business. But hes all I can think about.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Before he wakes up!

So before he starts screaming for a bottle that he will scream before during and after...
I am going to get some Gental Naturals Tummy Soother tomorrow. I hear good stuff about it on message boards. If you are one of the 2 mommies who ever read my blog: stay tuned

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

5th trimester?

You know how some babies need that 4th trimester because they are so little and crabby? So you swaddle and pacify and all that. Well I have come to realize that my son has entered his 5th trimester. He wasnt ready when he came out, and hes not ready now.

For the past few weeks I havent been swaddling him. We started feeding him fruit and rice cereal. He started laughing and cooing. But all of a sudden we hit a bump in the road. He's a moody little newborn again. Gas hits him like a ton of bricks. He hates taking his bottles. He cries almost every time i change him. He's not happy on his tummy time mat, his bouncy chair, playing with toys, looking at me, looking at tv, in the swing. So tonight after a day so caotic that I considered running away, I swaddled the boy.

He looked up at me and smiled, as if to say, "duh mommy, thats all i needed" I sat in the rocker and rocked him to sleep and sang to him. After he was out I just kept on rocking. Then I started crying. How could I think such horrible things as running away? Whats wrong with me that I cant figure out whats wrong with my own baby? Why could I handle a newborn and I cant handle a 5 month old? And why the HELL is Luke so friggen stupid!!! uhhhh Sorry, Gilmore Girls got the best of me tonight.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

solid food

So the last few days we've been feeding Stewie a few bites of mushed bananas at night. He absolutely loves them. The little push reflex with the tongue shuts itself off completely. Today I tried carrots. Ha! He spit out every bite at first. This is not my sweet nanners. But he got a few good bites down when he realized this was it for the new different mushy stuff on a spoon.

It was the second night in a row I had a bacon cheeseburger meal from mcdonalds. When we eat out I just never know where to go. Or Im not in the mood for ANYTHING. So good ole MickieD's it is.

We took Stewie to the grandparents today. It was the first time he was there that he wasnt cranky the whole time. He smiled and cooed and even yelled a little. Which is my new favorite thing to hear. I love it when he gets a little aggitated and just goes "AH" hehehe.
My mom is sick but hopefully they will come see him next weekend. Seeing the in-laws makes me miss her.
I cleaned my bathroom today. Oh my god I am so proud of myself. I really made it look good. Then I cleaned hunny's bathroom. But I did it half assed cuz I was so tired.

Stewie is constipated today. Its weird cuz he had bananas last night and he drinks all his juice. Maybe its time I stop watering it down? I dunno.
I gave him a bath and he finally kicks and splashes. He's still a little weary so he doesnt smile yet. But hes such a splasher. Daddy is giving him his nightly bottle and then I get to try and get him to bed. You would think it wouldnt be hard since hes had a long exausted day. But sometimes he just wants to stay up forever.
Oh my god its so hot now. And our central air some how doesnt work right. I am melting.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Gas Wars

Yes the war continues. And Stewie and I are losing.

So I tried something I read in a message board site. I propped him against my knees and put pressure on his tummy. He screamed at first but then the craziness stopped and i felt some rumbling and out came some little farts. He still faught the rest of his bottle so I put some gripe water in it. I also started using gas drops again today. They have never worked in the past but I will do anything at this point.
Its funny, when Stewie is cranky and tired of his toys and my face, I put him in the bouncy totally naked on a towel. Mind you its like 90 degrees in my house. And I make sure hes directly under the ceiling fan. Which is his favorite thing to stare at. He just loves it. That reminds me I left the nasty pee pee towel on there. Yummy.
We rented movies today for the first time in about a month. Good thing there are no late fees anymore. I dont know if there will be any time to watch them with Crank butt the way he's been.
Man we need some alone time. J. has been promising to let his folks watch Stewie for a few hours one day. It never happens though. I kind of dont trust anyone but me to be alone with him. But I so need to just not worry about him for just a little while. Just a few teenie tiny moments. Cuz even when daddy has him and i get to breathe, I still come running to the rescue when he gets fussy. I cant help it. Man I just want a xanax.

Friday, April 14, 2006


My poor Stewie has had such horrible gas pains for 3 days now. Its to the point where at certain times during the day he will scream before, during and after a bottle. I cant even rock him to sleep anymore cuz it hurts his tummy. I just have to put him in the crib and lay in the bed next to him and hold his hand til he falls asleep. Its so bad when a fart comes out too. He will scream like someone just shot him in the ass. And not one single smidge of diaper rash.
Whats a mommy to do??
So Ive about ripped all my hair out the past few days. Why is it when you are holding a screaming baby that wont stop, thats the time when his daddy likes to ask you questions. Did you try this? How about this? You know he just wants a nap. Hes tired.
Mommy wants a nap. Shes tired. But daddy works all day. Hes tired. Kill me.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Leave her Alone

Come on lets leave Brit alone. We all know that new mommies make mistakes. I know I would have done the same thing reguarding the high chair incedent. And with my "mommy brain" I would probably and will probably do much worse. So lets really really really leave the chick alone.

K sorry had to get that one off my chest. I love her.

So today I take Stewie to the eye doc. OH what FUN! We wait forever in the waiting room, I mean like really an hour. And hes tired and cranky and crying and whining. So I try feeding him. ~no mommy. i may be extremely hungry but i would just rather carry on and make you look like a horrible mother~
So I try walking him around. Then I give him paci and try rocking him to sleep. Finally I have to start throwing the kid up in the air to get him to shut up. So everyone is just staring with that "oh my, that poor child" look. But at least it got him laughing for a min. He finally crashes just as we get called into the room and then they gotta shine a whole bunch of lights at him. Poor kid.
But his eye looked good. We still have to patch the good one a little bit each day until the right eye stops wondering out. He looks like that crazy wacky retarded gremlin in Gremlins 2. The one that Pheobe Cates brings home thinking its Gizmo... Yeah you are like "ok who the HELL whatched Gremlins 2????
Anyway ~yawn~

Monday, April 10, 2006

Crank Butt

No thats not my new nick name for my son! ~hehe
But he was a major one today. Which in turn caused me to be a major something else to his daddy when he got home from work. I cant help it. Sleep deprived mommy + crank butt baby =crazy bitch. Ahhhh well.

So yesterday we figured out that Baby Stewie (come on, he looks just like him. And who's infant doesnt think to himself in a british accent while plotting to take over the world?) Oh dear now I've got to sing "They're Pinky....They're Pinky and the Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain. Ok to finish that first sentence. Yesterday we figured out that Stewie likes Cream of Wheat with whole milk and sugar a little better than his rice with his soy formula... and dont you DARE tell his pediatrician. See I was eating some and I thought hey, maybe baby would like a bite? But one bite didnt do the trick and it lead to a lotta bites.... and today he was constipated... is that why he was cranky?
Bad Mommy! Bad!!! ~slaps herself on the hand~

Saturday, April 08, 2006

bloggin headache

Daddy has had baby all day. I decided to play around with blogger. Added a few more blogs to blogroll and so on.
The biggest headache was moving adsense to the sidebar. But i pulled out my inner genious and there ya go.
My Little Man is still sick, although using Simply Saline has worked wonders.

I need a nickname for my son so I dont have to keep saying "little man" "baby boy" things like that... hmmmm... any suggestions? Next post hopefully I'll have thought of one.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

He's got some real bad congestion


We put vicks on his chest, sucked his boogies, gave him some tylenol, turned on the vaporizer, sat him in the bathroom with steam. Poor kid still cant breathe. I called the doc this morning and left a message with all his symptoms. Damn bitch never calls me back. And Daddy says hes fine and doesnt need the emergency room.

Am I just being an over paranoid new Mommy?
Even with the stuffed up nose my Little Man managed to crack himself up laughing at our chiauhua today. It was so cute I cried a little. My little new baby can already just laugh out loud.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Laziness Of it All

Did you ever over-pluck your eyebrows, then decide not to pluck at all for a few weeks so it will grow in. Well a few weeks later you look into the mirror at Wooly Willy and realize that you have a few little bald spots where the over picking went on.

Or something to that effect. Anyway my hairy butt needs to get a mirror and start plucking away to find some kind of arch. There has to be something I can do with this unibrow besides spending the $8 plus tip to have the salon do it and tell me the horrible job I do plucking and just come to them from now on.. blah blah blah
Im too tired, I shall pluck another day.

My son can almost hold his bottle, and drink it at the same time. But after a few seconds he pushes too hard on one side and the nipple pops out of his cheek.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Musical Bunnies

So Nana got the Little Man two easter bunnies.. they sing this song, "something something, Easter Paaaaaraaade" Well he was being a crank butt so Daddy held one of them up and turned it on. He started cooing and oooo-ing and smiling at it. Of coarse this is all during Gilmore Girls (which hasnt been new for what seems like 10 years) and everytime the bunny stopped singing the baby would cry. So needless to say, I missed a bunch of my show and I will know the words to that damn song by Easter, and probably have it running around in my brain until at least Christmas.

Well, another day, another new thing Baby Boy does to surprise me. I had him propped up on some pillows on the couch. I was showing him his rattle and he just grabs it and shoves it in his mouth. Usually it takes him a while to get his hands on it and even longer to get a good enough hold. The shoving in the mouth however is always the outcome.
Here's a pic from a few weeks ago when Little Man first held it.

Monday, April 03, 2006

My baby boy seems to be doing something new every day lately. Today I had him sitting up against my knees, and he touched his thigh by accident. Then he looks down and does it again like, "hmmm, is that part of me?" It was so cute to see him discover part of his body.

I dont know if the little man knows his feet are his, but he sure likes kicking them like crazy. My future soccer champ kicks the heck out of my boobs while hes propped up against my knees. I dont make him stop even with the immense pain, only because it seems like hes really enjoying letting all that energy out. He grunts and gets all out of breath. Then he starts blowing bubbles and kind of spitting. I know it sounds kinda wacked to people who arent moms of a little 4 month old, but I just love it.

Last week the boy started laughing out loud for the first time. His daddy was giving him belly farts. It is so weird hearing this new little laugh in the house. He hasnt done it much lately, I think partly because it scares him when those strange noises come out of his mouth!

My baby is in size 2 pampers now. I told him thats it, knock it off. No more growing up for you mister. ~sigh~